Margert Community Corporation serves as a local program administrator of the NYS RESTORE program, for dwelling units located in New York City’s Queens County.

Margert’s funding for RESTORE repairs has been exhausted - please check back at a later date.

Residential Emergency Services to Offer (Home) Repairs to the Elderly (RESTORE) Program funds may be used to pay for the cost of emergency repairs to eliminate hazardous conditions in homes owned by the elderly when the homeowners cannot afford to make the repairs in a timely fashion.

Grant funds may be used to assist homeowners with the completion of emergency repairs, or addressing code violations. An eligible emergency repair eliminates a hazardous condition or deficiency that poses an immediate threat to the life, health or safety or the elderly homeowner.

An eligible participant must meet the following criteria:

  • Owns and occupies the residential unit receiving assistance as a primary residence.

  • Must be sixty years of age or older.

  • Household income not to exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the area median income.

The RESTORE LPA Manual is current and a recommended resource for nonprofit applicants who wish to administer the program. .

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